Julie's Page

This is about the fifth time I have moved this page since the time it was created Unfortunately for myself, all the places I chose were not user friendly. One time, one server deleted all my files and refused to tell me why. Hopefully this time using html it will happen and I will not have to move it again. Miss London deserves more than this. She meant the world to me even if I had other priorities. I often thought of her as second mother even though she may have known of my existence.

This picture came to me in 1976 during a time I needed someone to listen and understand. Those turbulant teenage years were hard on me and no one seemed to understand or care. At least this is what I thought at the time.

I had written Julie several letters & mentioned something very personal in passing. At the time it meant alot to me. I never expected her to send me a picture. Actually, I think I flattered & stunned her.

Over the years, during my fanfiction writing, I created a character who was actually the daughter of Dr. Early & Dixie McCall.. Of course they had been married at one time. However, that never stopped my own emotions from taking over.

Miss London was a beautiful lady with very beautiful eyes. I know she touched my life in a way no other actress ever possibly could. Yesterday, I was all choked up when I read about her passing on the internet. I truly hope she didn't suffer too much. So Julie London, where ever you are in the afterlife, I truly hope you are well and with those you loved who left you behind.

Julie Peck: September 26, 1926-October 18, 2000

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