Birthday Wishes

Year 2000 Birthday Wishes


from fans

From September 1-10, 2000, I had a birthday wishes forum going for MARCO. I sent him all the wishes from all those who had posted. He was overwhelmed & flattered. The following are all the wishes he was sent.

Happy Birthday!!
by Melissa Gunter

Hi Marco!
I hope you have a fantastic birthday! I look forward to seeing you in the Elian Gonzales movie.
Have a great day!

Posted on Sep 11 2000, 4:59 PM

Happy Belated Birthday, Marco...
by Mary B

Hope it was a great one!!! I'm looking forward to your new movie...Good Luck to you!


Posted on Sep 12 2000, 1:43 PM

Happy Birthday Marco
by L.Green

Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday. I am excited about your new movie and can't wait to see it.


Posted on Sep 09 2000, 9:29 PM

Happy Birthday Marco
by Sherry Powers

Dear Marco,

I hope you have a very Happy Birthday and many, many more.

Have a great day!!


Posted on Sep 09 2000, 8:35 PM

by Jackie Hatton

I hope your birthday was spectacular! You were certainly on all the minds of you friends and fans. I am anixously awaiting your movie The Elian Gonzales Story, which will be aired in a couple weeks on TV....VCR will be ready!

I was fortunate to meet you at the Project 51 tour in Baltimore/DC. You are truly a beautiful person. Meeting all of you has been a very special memorable moment in my life.

Again I hope you had a very "Happy Birthday"!

Jackie Hatton

Posted on Sep 09 2000, 7:29 PM

Another year, that's wonderful!
by Marty


God bless you! Thank you for taking such a sincere, personal interests in your many fans!
It is deeply appreciated!

I hope you have/had a terrific birthday!

Hope the coming year is filled with great joy for you!


Posted on Sep 09 2000, 6:57 PM

Happy Birthday! Marco!
by Sherry Stauffer

We hope that you have a wonderful birthday. It was wonderful to meet you first in Las Vegas and then again in Hyattsville. We, Brittany and I, had the time of our lives in Hyattsville! You and the rest of the staff of Project 51 made that possible! And we thank you for it! You were wonderful to us, posing for pictures, but the part we will remember the most was at the end of the day in Hyattsville, when you came by and gave us a hug and kiss on the cheek. So here is a hug and kiss to you on your birthday. May God bless you!

Sherry and Brittany Stauffer

Posted on Sep 09 2000, 6:29 PM

Happy Birthday Marco! :)
by McFly

Dear Marco,

Hope you have a WONDERFUL birthday filled w/fun, friends and lots of cake and ice cream! You're a very gracious man to put up w/all us crazy fans, we truly treasure you and all the E! folks.



Posted on Sep 09 2000, 6:04 PM

Happy Birthday Marco!
by Laura Shane

Happy Birthday Marco!!! Laura,

Posted on Sep 09 2000, 4:34 PM

Happy Birthday Marco
by The Kivisto Family

Hope your day is filled with nothing but happiness not just on this special day but every day.Thank you for the many memories from not only Emergency but Adam-12 and Dragnet as well. Jonell and Judy send you hugs and kisses. Thank you for the many emails. Bud and Aaron send their birthday wishes as well.Happy Birthday.
The Kivisto Family

Posted on Sep 09 2000, 4:27 PM

Happy Birthday Marco!!
by Cindy


I hope your birthday is everything you want it to be and more. You deserve it! All the best!!


Posted on Sep 09 2000, 4:16 PM

Cordial para felicidad con hoy da amig mi.
by Cap51 ( Bente )

Hol amig mi.

Happy B-day. I wish all the best for you today. Great presents, great food, great friends, and last but not least your whole famili.

The headline is the first spanish lune Ive made in almost 5 years. I hope its comprehemble. LOL

Well I just hope the very best for you on your grand day. Ill cross my fingers that you buddies from E have not forgotten you,,and if they have they will at least have you in their mind. You are in mine.

With love, friendship and prayers Cap ( Bente )

Posted on Sep 09 2000, 3:25 PM

Feliz Cumpleaos Seor Marco!!
by Nancy "The Captain"

Hola Mi Amigo,

Como Esta? Muy bien aqui!! Feliz Cumpleaos Seor Marco!!

que Dios te bendiga!

I sure enjoy watching you on "Emergency!" and I think you are special. Hope to see more of you on TV soon!! Take care and may your life be filled with as much happiness as you have brought to many, many people with just by being you

Lotsa Love and Hugs,
May Your Life Also Be Blessed With Endless Good Health and Happiness,

"El Capitan Sin Miedo"

Posted on Sep 09 2000, 2:52 PM

Happy Birthday
by Cheryl Gregoire

Hi Marco,Happiest of birthday wishes to you.Have a wonderful Day!!!Please know That I think you are the greatest. Hope to hear from you in the future..... And looking to see you in all future television appearances. :) Cheryl G.

Posted on Sep 09 2000, 2:32 PM

Happy Birthday Marco!!
by Dana

Love ya lots and have many more!

((hugs and kisses))


Posted on Sep 09 2000, 2:09 PM

Happy Birthday to you....
by Melissa

...Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Marco, Happy Birthday to you!

Have a great one, Mr. Lopez!

Posted on Sep 09 2000, 2:08 PM

Happy B-day!
by Denise

Hi Marco,
I hope you have a wonderful birthday! I'm a big Emergency! fan and I think you were great on that show. Hope all your birthday wishes come true.

Posted on Sep 09 2000, 1:58 PM

Happy Birthday Marco!
by Denica Fletcher

I hope that your birthday is a wonderful day filled with family and friends! Thank you for being so wonderful in answering my e-mail and I look forward to hearing from you again.


Mrs. Denica Fletcher

Posted on Sep 09 2000, 1:51 PM

Happy Birthday Marco!!!
by Helene

Here is wishing you a very special and Happy Birthday!!!! May you have a healthy and happy year. Look forward to seeing you in your new movie.

Posted on Sep 09 2000, 1:36 PM

Happy Birthday Marco
by Jonny's Mom

May the Great Spirit grant you peace on this day.

Posted on Sep 09 2000, 11:41 AM

Happy Birthday Marco!
by Beth McLeary

Happy Birthday you cutie patootie!
Thank You for the scripts and the wonderful note. You are just too adorable!
Have a wonderful birthday!
I wish you much health and happiness!
God Bless!

Posted on Sep 09 2000, 10:49 AM

Happy Birthday
by Maureen

I hope your birthday turns out to be a great day with champagne wishes and caviar dreams. hehe
The best to you always.

Posted on Sep 09 2000, 10:35 AM

Happy Birthday Marco
by Rose

Have a very happy birthday,babe!
We love you!

Posted on Sep 09 2000, 9:29 AM

Happy Birthday Marco!
by Carrie Angell

Happy Birthday Marco. I hope you have a wonderful day.


Posted on Sep 09 2000, 9:24 AM

Happy Birthday Marco!!!!!!!!!
by Michelle Clary

Hope you have many more.

Posted on Sep 09 2000, 9:00 AM

by Liz

in my best sing voice (not)
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Marco
Happy Birthday to you and many more

Have a great Birthday Marco

Posted on Sep 09 2000, 5:48 AM

Happy B-day Marco!!!!
by Kelli

I hope you have a great one this year!!!!

Posted on Sep 05 2000, 4:14 PM

Happy Birthday Marco!!!!!!
by Karen Pickett

I hope your birthday goes well and I wish you the very best!!!!!!!! Emergency forever!!!!!

Posted on Sep 03 2000, 11:19 PM

Happy Birthday Marco!
by Cheryl

I hope you have a wonderful Birthday and many, many more just the same!

Posted on Sep 02 2000, 3:55 PM

Happy Birthday, Marco!!!!
by Karen & Dave (SueAliens friends in reality)

We remember you when & Suellen keeps us posted now. Wishing you a happy birthday & many more to come.

Posted on Sep 02 2000, 2:31 PM

Have a very Happy Birthday Marco........
by Taffy

and a wonderful day. I love watching you in Emergency and Adam-12. I hope you have a great birthday with many, many more to follow.

Okay come Laura got offered 20, Carol gets 10 and all I get is an autographed pic of Henry??

Can I get a date with Mike Stoker instead??

Just kidding Marco..Suellen really didn't offer us anything to wish you a Happy Birthday

*hiding plane ticket to Montana behind back* LOL!

Posted on Sep 02 2000, 3:55 AM

Best Birthday Wishes!
by Carol Wilder

For many many many more years to come!
I also hope to see more of you on screen in the near future. Keep us posted!

OK Sue! Laura got twenty? You only offered me ten!

(Ya, I know...I'll pay for this later I'm sure...)

Posted on Sep 01 2000, 11:00 PM

by Laura

Hope you have a great one, and many, many more! You are a fine actor, generous person, and an all around terrific human being. I'm so glad I was able to meet you at Hyattsville, and I hope we'll be seeing you on the big and small screen for a long time to come.

Best wishes always, Laura

Okay Sue, I was nice, when do I get my twenty bucks????? Just kidding, Marco and Sue!!!!!

Posted on Sep 01 2000, 10:43 PM

Happy Birthday Marco!!!!!!!
by Jonell Kivisto

Wishing you a Happy Birthday and hoping its the best one yet.

Posted on Sep 01 2000, 8:55 PM

Happy B-DAY!!!
by Sally Cress (Goob'r)

Dear Marco,

It was such a pleasure to meet you at the Las Vegas Project 51 event-- hope you like your piece of the Station 51 brick! Thanks for making E! a special show that still entertains today! Wishing you all the best on your special day and always!

Happiest of Birthdays to wa wonderful man!

Posted on Sep 01 2000, 7:14 PM

by SueAlien

you know I wish you the best & a very happy birthday!!!!

Posted on Sep 01 2000, 8:09 AM